The transformative power of stories
We make sense of the world inside of us, and around us, through stories. The stories we tell ourselves sets the tone and direction for our lives.
We are all born into a story that has already begun to be told - the one of our parents, our ancestors, the time and place in history in which we enter, and the culture and its stories that we grow up in. This leads to all sorts of stories swirling around us - some of them may be helpful and empowering, others may be hurtful and restrictive.
The thing is, whatever story we entered, we have the option - at some point in our life - of taking stock and picking up the pen to start writing our own story. To bring to light the stories that have crafted our identity, beliefs and life to date, and to choose which ones we wish to continue to follow, and which to let go or transform.
Picking up that pen is scary. Many of us choose not to do it, instead living our life based on the storylines already written, most of the time by others. Why? Because, in many ways, it’s easier. We don’t need to sit in the discomfort of taking complete responsibility and ownership of our own life. Say if we decided to pursue our dreams, what if they don’t work out? What then? The disappointment may be 10 times harder to bear than not pursuing those dreams in the first place.
It doesn’t take the bravest person to choose to pick up the pen that’s writing their life. It takes one moment where you decide that you’re ready for something different.
And then another moment, and another one. Before you know it, your living the story you may have thought was only possible on paper. It may not always be easy - in fact, it probably won’t - but, it will be worth it.